
Fpsece Member

If you have a License checking message and FPseNG enter into limited mode follow instructions below:

Enable Frameskipping from VIDEO menu, Switch to Old Drawing mode from MISC menu, Disable SPUSYNC from audio menu

Restart your device to Free fragmented memory, check if your device is not in ECO mode, to be sure get a tool like CPU Master from market to check in which mode is your processor. Check if Dynamic interpreter is no set. And last go to MISC menu then reset settings.

If you used archived disk Image files, be sure to uncompress them using the tool Zarchiver from your device, DO NOT USE ANDROZIP, it brake big files while uncompressing them. Check the size of your file, if not 0 bytes, or > 650mbytes


If you have well loaded Bios file from main menu, just press the new button called Boot Bios

If your game was compressed, just uncompress it using Zarchiver. Browse from the root directory of your device, then enter into /mnt and look for sdcard directory or extSDcard

This documentation is for information purposes only and does not reflect all the possibilities of FPseNG for Android.